Are Aliens "Oriental" Whiz Kids?

Published in Exquisite Corpse.

Why Do Aliens Look the Way they Do?
By Denise Noe

         Frequently trumpeted by UFOlogists is the fact that Aliens, as described by those who claim to have seen them, look alike.  85% of reports indicate that the visitors share a common origin.
         Skeptics note that the Aliens described not only look like each other but also look like those depicted in the media: giant head, big, almond-shaped eyes, slit mouth, hairless body, skinny limbs.
         There is no doubt that a particular version of the extraterrestrial has entered contemporary folklore -- and I believe it does not require tabloid gullibility to discern the creature's true origins.
         Who is this Alien?  An Oriental whiz kid.  I use the word "Oriental" rather than "Asian" deliberately, for the perception is based on American racist perceptions.   The extraterrestrial is an amalgam of Oriental and "egghead" characteristics.    
         The big brainy head hardly needs explaining.  The tiny atrophied limbs show that Space-Nerd does not stoop to manual labor.  It also reflects the anatomical truth that on a species-to-species level there is a trade-off in the amount of energy given over to muscle and that to brain.
         The shape of the eyes reflects the dominant white culture's repulsion-fascination with our "model minority."  Their large size tells us that these wonderfully evolved humanoids are the All-Seeing Ones.
         The tiny mouth does not correspond to an anatomical feature but to Oriental "Silence is Golden" inscrutability -- as perceived by white racism. Relative hairlessness is an Oriental characteristic, and may also be viewed an advancement over our ape relatives.



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